is an equipment conceived for radiation treatment where the radiation
source, modulated through a binary multileaf collimator, rotates in unison
with a CT computed tomography around the couch in a continuous longitudinal movement. Before
each fraction, a CT scan is taken ( MVCT, Tomoimage: Fig. 1 ) that is
compared to the reference image ( kVCT, Reference Image: Fig. 2 ) according
to which the treatment plan has been worked out.
Fig. 1 MVCT ( TomoImage ) Fig. 2
kVCT ( Reference Image ) Tomotherapy
software allows the two CT images to be recorded together ( Correlated Images:
Fig. 3 ), pointing out necessary adjustment to assure correct position of patient. If
necessary, patient’s position is automatically adjusted and treatment is
executed: radiation source turns around the couch that moves lengthwise in
unison, while the dose is helically delivered. Dose delivery is extremely
accurate: different disease sites can be treated one at a time ( ex. prostate, head and neck) or more than one during
the same treatment (ex. Lung , Total Body Irradiation ) sparing healthy